Frequently Asked Questions

What Ages Does Discovery Enroll

Discovery provides full-day, year-round childcare for children 19 months through 6 years of age during the school year, and up to age 8 during the summer and school holidays when available.

What Hours is Discovery Open?

• Monday 7:30 – 5:30
• Tuesday 7:30 – 6:00
• Wednesday 7:30 – 6:00
• Thursday 7:30 – 6:00
• Friday 7:30 – 5:30

How Much Does it Cost to Attend Discovery?

Discovery families pay a monthly tuition fee based on contracted daily schedule and number of days per week.

See Enrollment information for additional information and current tuition policies and fees. (make link to the PDF)

Does My Child Have to be Toilet-Trained Before Being Enrolled?

No. We work with families as a team to determine when children are developmentally ready to tackle this
major milestone.

What is the Child to Adult Ratio?

Discovery ratios are based on NAEYC requirements, and typically are even lower. For children under the age of 2, the ratio is 4:1; age 24-35 month 6:1; age 36-47 month 7:1; age 48-60 months 8:1. Afternoon ratios are managed at a minimum of 7:1. Compare these to Montana Child Care regulations https://dphhs.mt.gov/Portals/85/qad/documents/LicensureBureau/ChildCare/LicensingRequirementsforChildCareCenters.pdf and you will see that Discovery greatly exceeds licensing requirements.

Who Owns Discovery?

Discovery is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. The corporation is run by a volunteer board of Directors. An Executive Director takes care of the day-to-day management of the business. No one particular person has a vested interest in the physical property.

How is Discovery Funded?

• Parent tuition fees & state scholarships for income-eligible families – 85%
• Small family-based and special event fundraisers – 8%
• Community and foundation grants and donations – 4%
• Other sources of income – 3%

What Makes Discovery Different?

• Discovery is accredited through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and meets and/or exceeds their stringent child/adult ratios.
• Discovery serves a diverse population of children and families that reflect a variety of abilities and income, a vision not found in other organizations created to serve specific populations or segments of our economy.
• Discovery child / adult ratios exceed both licensing and NAEYC standards by assigning 3 staff to each classroom. Not only does this provide exceptional ratios on most days, but also allows for relationship continuity on days when staff are ill or away.
• Discovery maintains a family-friendly, open environment within a center-based facility. We have been serving families in the community since 1992, and are now beginning to enroll the children of alumni.